miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

thinking about myself as a teacher!!

Here, in my bed while a horrible backache is killing me, I think about our role as a teacher in private schools. My doctor said that I am suffering this illness because I am stressful. And my boss said that my work is not enough good, it would be better. And my students told me that I have been the best teacher they have had. So my question is: who do I believe in? It is interesting how you are evaluated from different points of view and how those points of view affirm a "truth" about you.

What is the real teacher´s role?

When I was studying at the university my teachers told me that the best teacher is who gives the knowledge from the heart. I learned this conception and It became a big part on my life, Also they taught me that the best teacher is who is studying and working on getting better and ever day in my life i do it, but I can not understand why the private institutions have another idea about our role. you must to do many things: fill formats, clean the classrom, watch everything around you, listen to other people remaining silent and teach from your boss pedagogical vision which is from 60s and 70s.

I keep studying because I want to change those terrible ideas about education. It is impossible that we as teachers and our children be restricted and follow rules that make their teaching-learning process be a lost cause, because they and we, in those conditions, are not going to give the best effort and for that reason the students study for passing the exam and the teachers for earning the salary and nothing is changing. The education will be better if we make a stop in the way and think about these situations and try to improve them. The schools need new reforms and ways of looking at the world and to take the best of them, apply and observe carefully.

What is the education I dream? (I remember right now the words I listened the first day in my M.A. Program "the people who think that this programm is a dream have to consider that It will be a nightmare).

So I prefer to believe in dreams and consider that the things can change, why not? I dream with children who want to go to school because they love learning and nobody forces them to go. Kind-hearted teachers who teaches and learns at the same time. Open-minded teachers who believe every answer is important and consider those spaces of sharing with their students the best choice to observe, write, think, teach and learn from experience. Looking-forward teachers who do not have ideas about students without meeting them well, instead it, teacher who always give the students the chance to show the abilities and strenghs they have.

Is this impossible??

5 comentarios:

  1. Luisa! I like your honesty when you write. You are very reflective and critical. Nowadays, we are going to face that situation that you faced. Working in schools can become a nightmare or a paradise. I was sorprised with your situation. One of the most important things in our life is the good health, and you took the risk for your job. I know that you are going to miss the studnets. It is the harder thing.

    The last time we were talking about your experience as a teacher. I realized that you have a big experience. it is amzing. so, what happened to you is going to be part of your history. And you learnt a lot of things. Being a teacher is not so easy and sometimes, due to the huge amount of work we forget about innovation and we become friends of routine. This one more task for a teacher.

    It is not impossible to find innovative teachers. I know there are good teachers working outside or inside. What happens maybe is that there few of them. It is unbelievable that we are in a war. We need to be careful with those people who do not like to do things different. Those are selfish and lazy.

    We need to fight to get a better education. We cannot give up. We are not goin give up!

    We can make that our students fly away with us. they have a future and we are their present.

    1. i Lina.

      Thank you very much for your comments. It really hard to be a different teacher, but it is the experience which makes me feel alive. We can change the world, changing our minds and being a good influence to our students. Today, I am really happy; I could get a table, chairs, board, I imvited some of my students and I am going to start my little english school at home. It is going to be great because I have the advantage of observing, appling and evaluating our teaching strategies with the pedagogical stuff ew have learn in seminar on Linguistics!!! It is wonderful!!

      Remember, you can get your dreams when you every day imagine living them!!

  2. I have a wonderful and outstanding phrase for you!


    Remember this Luisa!! Thanks for answering!!

  3. That´s the true. Sometimes the Students understand it many years later, and you will know you have made the difference. I invite to you to read "Make a Difference" Max Lucado. It is an interesting reflection.


    Teacher Lulú

  4. Yes, Lulú how wonderful could be a good teacher, that helps students to learn not to allow them to be shy, but how can we do that if sometimes continue receiving classes from some teachers who cut our wings, maybe we can do the same with our students and that is not fair.
