lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013


My experience have been mostly with teenagers but I was working with children during a month. The challenge was really hard because their motivation plays an important role in their learning process. In this reflection I want to compare my experiences in with these groups of the students. I applied the same strategies: reading fairy tales, listen to songs and sing and acting. What makes the difference?

When I was working with teenagers, I discovered that their motivation is Instrumental because their learning is functional (Ellis, 2002) because they, the majority, are interested in passing the subject. While the children (5 years) were intrinsically motivated because they participated actively in the class and every day they lived a new experience in English class.

I observed that children and teenagers are strongly influenced by social factors but this influences in children is positive, while in teenagers is negative. What are those social factors? Firstly the idea of evaluation Colombian education has: learner shows they learn if they get the best competence showed by numbers. In the school were I observed this situation children are qualitative evaluated while teenagers are evaluated by qualitative way. Secondly the teacher´s role: in this kind of schools the role of teachers is informer of process. It means they share a lesson with learners and they give a mark, while in pre-school teachers are able to be guides and promoters of learning environment. And thirdly, parents´ vision of the world because they think that learning English is the most important subject their children have to learn and look for schools where English subject is their philosophical vision.

Despite of this reality, motivation keeps playing an important role in the classroom because it is promoted by intrinsic and extrinsic factors. According to Ellis (2002) learners have motivation but it depends on the learning context or task. As I mentioned before the strategies applied were the same. Children enjoyed singing and learning the songs and reading the fairy tales, while teenagers developed the singing activity until some comments among the group emerged and the reading activities did not develop until they were pressured by the mark. I believe that children are motivated by intrinsic motivation, they learn from a constructivist vision which claims that motivation is “a state of cognitive and emotional, aroused which leads to conscious decisions to act, which gives rise to a period of sustained intellectual and/or physical effort, in order to attain a previously set goal” ( p.120).

And teenagers, due to educational policies, schools´ visions and teachers´ role learn from a behavioristic vision which according Skimmer (1985) cited by Brown (1994):
     “…behavior is controlled by its consequences. When consequences are rewarding behavior is maintained and is increased in strength and perhaps frequency when consequences are punishing, or when there is a lack of reinforcement entirely the behavior is weakened and eventually extinguished” (p.23)

To sum up, Kumaravadivelu (2009) affirms that motivation is an affective factor which, I think, must be empowered through the creation of learning environments were learners can explore the useful strategies for learning by themselves. Laws, policies, schools and teachers must go in this direction and change the ways how we are teaching and learning. I am convinced that we can make the difference if we start to implement new visions of education.
Brown, D (1994). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Third Edition. San Francisco State University: Prentice Hall Regents.
Ellis (2002). Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kumaravadivelu, B (2009). Understanding Language Teaching from Method to Postmethod. Chapter 2: Learning: Factors and Process. New Jersey: Lawrence Eribaurnassociation,Inc., Publishers.

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013

Reflecting on Research!!

Those last days, research is the matter of our mind. It seems that everything is researchable but nothing is good to research. Why does it happen?

During the round table and our reflection about research paradigms, approaches, techniques and instruments that we are going to use for our mini research scale, I have noticed that the research is like love: everybody believes to know and live it but few people really know what it is.

Who has the reason? , who shows the truth?

I can answer these questions saying that nobody is right, everybody needs to look for a way and stand up it and wait for the strong wind with the hope our roots be well-planted.

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Reflexionando sobre El "jaula" de clase!!

Esta entrada la hago en Español. A veces siento que mis palabras en Inglés no muestran mis sentimientos tan profundos como mi "Lengua Mamá". 

He querido hoy  reflexionar profundamente sobre este sistema educativo que nos esta matando. Y tal vez mi tiempo de reflexión no sea por la educación que a mi me toco, hoy en día aprendo y desaprendo y es fácil hacerlo, o bueno ya estoy familiarizada con ello. Pero hay un motivo más por el cual parar decir ya basta: NUESTROS NIÑOS. 

Veo como la legislación educativa progresivamente se está deshaciendo de un derecho que nos corresponde: el derecho a ser educado y recibir una educación con calidad. Cada vez más son los sectores privados los que se están convirtiendo en los nuevos encargados de la Educación; Padres de familia pagan grandes cuentas por tener una educación de "calidad". Calidad es tener un cliente más al que se le oprime y se le dice qué pensar, cómo pensar, qué decir, cómo decirlo sin dejarlos ser. ¿Por qué? porque si se les deja ser se incurre en un falta que va a ser consignada en el "observador" (Desde pequeños matándoles los ideales de ser investigadores), Es ináudito que después de tantas reformas educativas aun consideremos el aula de clase como un lugar donde reina el silencio, el miedo, los gritos de una "autoridad" entendida ésta como la que más se escucha y la que de manera inadecuada trata a los demás. 

¿Qué hemos hecho los docentes para no permitir esta atrocidad? Niños víctimas del estrés en las escuelas, tratados como adultos, sin dejarles disfrutar la enorme experiencia de estar con los compañeritos, (yo guardo buenos recuerdos de mi escuela y tengo que decir que para mi la Escuela era mi lugar de escape, ahora es el lugar de castigo), Niños y jóvenes que gastan todo un día en un colegio deseando salir de allí y no volver nunca.

Es aterrador escuchar que tus estudiantes te digan que estudian allí porque sus padres lo castigaron porque no se portaba bien. ¿qué clase de ciudadanos tendremos?: gente enferma y resentida con ganas de cobrar venganza por el daño que se ha hecho. Se necesita con urgencia de docentes comprometidos con una nueva y mejor educación, NUESTROS CHICOS SOLO NECESITAN UNA OPORTUNIDAD para mostrar lo creativos que son, lo especiales que son. Profesores que quieran mostrarles que paso a paso se es grande y sobre todo profesores que estén apasionados por guiarles en el descubrimiento de si mismo, no en llenar una planilla. La evaluación es importante, pero hay que verla de manera critica; no es para aprobar o descalificar a alguien, es para mostrarle como mejorar y alcanzar más.

No nos creamos los mejores, seamos los mejores pero que se vea en el reflejo del brillo de los ojos de nuestros estudiantes. Una gota de agua constante puede romper la más grande de las rocas. Solo abrir una puerta para que ellos encuentren lo hermoso que es aprender!!!

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

thinking about myself as a teacher!!

Here, in my bed while a horrible backache is killing me, I think about our role as a teacher in private schools. My doctor said that I am suffering this illness because I am stressful. And my boss said that my work is not enough good, it would be better. And my students told me that I have been the best teacher they have had. So my question is: who do I believe in? It is interesting how you are evaluated from different points of view and how those points of view affirm a "truth" about you.

What is the real teacher´s role?

When I was studying at the university my teachers told me that the best teacher is who gives the knowledge from the heart. I learned this conception and It became a big part on my life, Also they taught me that the best teacher is who is studying and working on getting better and ever day in my life i do it, but I can not understand why the private institutions have another idea about our role. you must to do many things: fill formats, clean the classrom, watch everything around you, listen to other people remaining silent and teach from your boss pedagogical vision which is from 60s and 70s.

I keep studying because I want to change those terrible ideas about education. It is impossible that we as teachers and our children be restricted and follow rules that make their teaching-learning process be a lost cause, because they and we, in those conditions, are not going to give the best effort and for that reason the students study for passing the exam and the teachers for earning the salary and nothing is changing. The education will be better if we make a stop in the way and think about these situations and try to improve them. The schools need new reforms and ways of looking at the world and to take the best of them, apply and observe carefully.

What is the education I dream? (I remember right now the words I listened the first day in my M.A. Program "the people who think that this programm is a dream have to consider that It will be a nightmare).

So I prefer to believe in dreams and consider that the things can change, why not? I dream with children who want to go to school because they love learning and nobody forces them to go. Kind-hearted teachers who teaches and learns at the same time. Open-minded teachers who believe every answer is important and consider those spaces of sharing with their students the best choice to observe, write, think, teach and learn from experience. Looking-forward teachers who do not have ideas about students without meeting them well, instead it, teacher who always give the students the chance to show the abilities and strenghs they have.

Is this impossible??

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013


Making my studies in linguistic, I have noticed that linguistics need to be supported by other sciences and disciplines. One of them is neurology, the science that studies the brain and its functions. Language is one of these functions, according to the studies there are some areas in charged to produce and comprehend language. Our role as a teacher of foreign language is to know how these areas work in order to understand, comprehend, and produce language, specially a second one. It is important that the teacher has an idea about how the language is learned and helps the student to overcome difficulties or guides their families in the process to comprehend that their children are suffering some of these phenomena. In my experience, this knowledge has been vital because I have had students with this kind of learning difficulties and their families do not accept it easily. Having idea is a wonderful tool to face this kind of situations.

The disciplines like neurolinguistics and psycholinguistics help us to understand how the language is comprehended, learned and produced. The neurolinguistics studies the language as a function and what areas of the brain comprehend and produce it. While the psycholinguistics helps us to study the psychological process of comprehension and production of language. Furthermore, these disciplines are useful in order to analyze how some pathologies like Aphasia, Alexia, Dysgraphia, Acalculia, Hemiagraphia, Apraxia, Agnosia, Amnesia, which could affect the language comprehension and production.  Paredes y Varo citing Ch. Bouton (1984), affirm that the neurolinguistics is in charge of which cerebral mechanisms hold the phonological oppositions, which the logic-grammatical ones or the fact of reached annunciation.  While the psycholinguistics, according to Paredes and Varo, studies the communicative process taking into account not only the messages but also the participants in it. For that reason, psycholinguistic also studies the acquisition and linguistic procedure trying to give an explanation from different theoretical models based on observation and comparison of normal individual and individual who presents verbal dysfunctions´ linguistic behavior.

According to Ardila and Roselli (2007) the language development is a result of interaction between the neuronal development and environmental stimulation. In spite of the environmental development, the language acquisition is a result of neuronal maturation. The control of smooth movements and symbolic skills development are needed to get a well-developed language. Following Kolb and Fantie (1997) the language acquisition is related with the frontal and temporal lobules. The language like the other complex behaviors is not well-known how occurs but it is the result of multiple relationships among cells through electrical stimulations. Following to Bernardez (2004) the language seen as a whole: use and structures, requires the use of many parts of the brain. The most automatic processes are found in Broca and Wernicke´s area, although there is nothing which has a specific localization. 

I keep saying that the language is a result of experience with language. Michael Tomasello and others cited by Bernardez consider that the child acquires the linguistic experience which is going to form the neuronal connections making some of them more sensitive than the others and at the same time making some more specialized than others. Basically, we can say that the language is a result of interaction with external factors and the stimulation of neuronal connections from those experiences with the factors. The language comes from different places as a result of interaction, and it is localized in many parts of the brain but we cannot know where specifically.

Dear colleagues: You can read more about the authors I mentioned in my post: Enrique Bernardez with his Book; Qué son las lenguas? 2004. And the next link:[09]%20Paredes%20y%20Varo.pdf
Where you can find the article; Lenguage y Cerebro: Conexiones entre Neurolingüistica y Psicolingüistica, de M de Jesus Paredes Duarte  y Carmen Varo Varo. Universidad de Cádiz.

Finally, I want to ask you: What relationship can you find between the Gestalt Group with its theory about pregnancy and Language learning? 

sábado, 9 de marzo de 2013

JUST FIVE IN ONE: Teacher as a Super Hero

Watching the movie Awakenings, directed by Penny Marshall, I was thinking about the fears the teacher has to face every day in front of the students. According to the movie, the scientist feels fear to discover and assumes the bad or good consequences. The teacher every day has to take risk to teach new things but I think the most defiant challenge is to awake teenagers to learn and it is a discovering and challenge.

The second fear is to make the difference. It is easily to comprehend, when you as a teacher tries to innovate the teaching process and maybe (This is no maybe, this is sure!!!) the colleagues start to mock and make that teacher loses his/her enthusiasm because they prefer to stay in the “comfortable place”. The last fear is to defiant the  authorities in order to get the  goal and help the students as the scientist who had to face his authorities in order to help the ill people to overcome without any kind of supporting.

The education in Language reacquires super heroes: teacher has to be just in five, just a real super hero because education needs a person who assumes the challenges of innovation, someone who wants to be awake, someone who believes everything is possible, someone who wants to be resourceful person and someone who supports and cheers up the learning teaching process.

This super hero has to face and go beyond the evident, beyond the “normal” pedagogical issue, not only someone who does not let go deeply in an education as a business  but also someone who makes a stop in the way and criticizes the way he or she is teaching. This super hero should develop the researchable strategy to change the paradigms.

We as a students of M. A. language teaching must awake because we are studying theories that maybe are reevaluated and another theories which are rising but we do not know and perhaps we are following others who do not want to change. So my questions are: Are we super heroes? Are we awake? What are we doing for being awake? How do we make our students awake?

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


In the last months, I have read about language according different authors, researchers and teachers, and almost the majority say that the language is the result of experiences with the language and then those are described and a new perspective of language is emerging.

The study of language arises from wonderful experiences where the linguist is observing, asking, discovering and showing what wonderful the language is. In the first chapter of his book, Crystal (2009) shows how the language is a widely-known field of research because every day it gives new phenomenon to study, to observe, to discover. He shows how each single experience with language gives another opportunity to discover a new world, which is filled of possibilities to keep researching.

According to this author, the main reason because many disciplines study and observe the language is the wide variety of proposals language offers; You can study a single world and discover that it can be studied from sociolinguistics due to the ways it is used, or from psycholinguistics because of the way how this word can be used, or from phonology owing to the way it is pronounced and it is possible to study this word from anthropology: it would be to study it from human being evolution (I do not know if any science about the origin and evolution of words certainly exist, it would be wonderful!!!).

Being linguist is more than knowing theories about language, perhaps it is to be conscious and take advantage of each single situation to study, go deeply and discover a new world inside language. Finally, I just want to say that I as a teacher have the enormous blessing to study and teach the language, to live with those new experiences, to discover new possibilities and teach from those ones. The language is here and there, inside and outside, near and far away.

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

What is Language?

How to say its meaning
but it is meaningful by itself

How to define it
if it is more than a single definition

How to say something about it
if anything says everything about it

It is just a world, It is just a word
it is just language!

martes, 26 de febrero de 2013

What is the secret to be more than inspiration?... Just motivation.

Last weekend during my inspiration journeys surfing in the internet, I found a wonderful movie. It is called “In front of the class”; the tittle called my attention and I was thinking of problems with students, especially with those ones with economic difficulties, who pretend resolve everything through violent actions. My surprise was when I started to watch that the movie, I was watching a teacher with Tourette syndrome. It is really interesting because it is common to find students with learning difficulties but I had found a teacher with Language difficulties caused by this syndrome.
His name is Brad Cohen, he lives in United States and the movie was based on a real story. The scenario is a student with funny and incontrollable sounds whose teachers demanded his attention and good behavior in class, so who can control something that anybody knows?. Brad visited each psychologist his parents could find but the result was the same: a weird boy, incapable to read and a negation caused by his parents´ divorce, in other words “a problematic boy”. He could not get in a library, he was rejected in classes by his teachers and classmates, but he had a wonderful and marvelous mother who tried to help him. She started to read many psychologist book in order to know how her baby presented this phenomena. She discovered Tourette- I guess you are asking yourself what is it?- The Tourette Syndrome is a neurological illness which is characterized by repetitive and involuntary  movements and the production of vowel sounds called tics. This syndrome is called Tourette because of was discovered by George Gilles de la Tourette.
If we follow to Chomsky, Halliday, Austin, Hymes, we could say that this teacher does not have the competence and performance in order to teach, especially to second grade. However, I think that the language is more than ability, it is the essence of our lives. According to Kumaravadivelu, Language includes three important aspects, which have an interrelationship: Linguistic, use and knowledge or ability.  Bred Cohen needed those aspects and a deep wish to overcome this inability. Learning and teaching languages must be based on your deeply wishes. I called those deeply wishes motivation.
Motivation is the magic word to teach English as a second language. If Mr. Cohen had not had a motivated mother, who never stopped to investigate and encourage her child to overcome the disease, he would not have achieved the award of Teacher of the year. Our schools need motivated teachers, that encourage students to overcome difficulties, through looking for new strategies, observe, study, change, improve, apply, know their students, follow processes but we as teachers need the administrative people to support and collaborate our classes like Mr. Cohen was supported by them.

Finally, I would like to invite you to watch the movie and let me know your comments.